Wednesday, April 13, 2011

IGXE Safe –Is IGXE Safe to Buy from?

We must choose the safe wow gold site. We all know safe is most important when we buy wow gold. Is IGXE Safe? If the wow gold or wow powerleveling service is not safe, although the price is cheap, we would lose all the money which we purchase. And our wow accounts maybe get banned.
IGXE and Guy4game are best wow gold sites. Is IGXE Safe to buy from? Is Guy4game Safe? Which is safe? Let’s compare two sites.
First, are credit card and other information safe?
I think it is most important thing, when we buy IGXE wow gold or wow powerleveling service, they nearly know all of our information, for example, our telephone number, email, address and credit card, even our age and job. It is so astonished, but it is true, they all know. If someone gets our information, using our credit card to buy safe wow gold, it is very dangerous.
Luckily, IGXE and Guy4game care our information safely. Especially, Guy4game never send email to customers, and never send news to customer in game, except they deliver wow gold or wow item. IGXE Safe is same as Guy4game. They only send email to customers who want to receive, including IGXE Coupon Code email. And they never contact with customers in game after wow gold instant delivery. For credit card wow gold information, only a few employees of them know, and they protect the information just like protect themselves. It is very safe.
 So, on this point, they all get 100.
 Second, is IGXE website safe ? Is Guy4game website safe?
They have professional technology on website safe. So, when you purchase on their site, no worry about security. And until now, no customer said, they have some trouble on
 So, on this point, they all get 100, too.
 Third, are their wow gold service safe?
 IGXE and Guy4game delivery wow gold face to face, it uses a little delivery time, and IGXE Safe Buy. Congratulations, they all get 100 points.
 So, we can say, Guy4game and IGXE all are safe. If you want choose one, I think it is hard to decide which one is safe